Wednesday Wanderings with Dr. Sherri is biweekly and a time we set aside to wander in the Presence of Jesus and ponder His truths. When you are ready, prepare your mind, body, and soul to have a transformational encounter with Jesus.
Wednesday Wanderings Welcome for this week.
Welcome to Wednesday Wanderings where we clear our mind of the clutter. Breathe in, breathe out and invite God’s Presence to help you be resonant.
PREPARATION: In our last Wandering with Dr. Sherri, we examined Grief and Gratitude. This week we will examine Saving Savior. When you are ready, you may begin the dialogue with Jesus and state: “Jesus, I invite you to help me to leisurely wander into your Presence. Prepare my heart to receive, and illuminate my spiritual senses to encounter you.”
PROMISE: Matthew 14:30 Amplified Bible
30 But when he saw [the effects of] the wind, he was frightened, and he began to sink, and he cried out, “Lord, save me!”
PSALM: Christ Arose, Low in the Grave He Lay
Words and music by: Robert Lowery 1874
PARABLE: I have a vivid imagination and I can see pictures from the words I read. From the words of Lowery’s stanza, I see the image of my own deep and low grave and an image of a Saving Savior. Over the past year, we have reflected on some of the things that have caused us grief and how to invite Jesus to join us in the grief. This word picture of the psalm reminds us that there is nothing we are buried in so deep from which we cannot be saved. The dawning of a new day will always greet us with new mercy.
Like me, can you see yourself laid in a low grave? Maybe we are still buried beneath the dirt because we have not acknowledged that we need saving. There was a time in my life when I was far away from God. My rituals and routines did not look like it but my heart knew it. I showed up for every bible study, Christian growth seminar, Sunday School, Praise and Worship rehearsal, and Sunday service. But in private, within my spirit, I was standing in quicksand. Sinking further into habits, hurts, and hang-ups that led me away from God. Sunday after Sunday I drowned.
There was also a time when I felt so close to God. I heard him calling me out deep into the sea into my purpose. His active power within me gave me the courage to look beyond the waves beating against the boat of life. He invited me to step out of muddy waters of hurts, habits, and hang-ups. I did and I even walked with Him to foreign lands. I did things I’d only dreamed of before. My focus changed. But when I realized that the water was so deep and the storms were still raging, I immediately sank.
However, this time I was in a different place. I did not desire to stay in the low grave that my hurts, habits, and hangups were digging for me. I had enough spiritual sense to release the weight of shame and confess that I was drowning in a lowly grave. I called on Jesus, The Saving Savior and He saved me!
Do you need to confess that you are drowning? There is good news. Holy week is the perfect time to focus on the resurrecting, saving power of Jesus, there is an invitation to ask the Saving Savior to save you and to rise up from whatever it is that you need saving.
- Reflect and let the Holy Spirit reveal to you where the effects of the wind of life are blowing. What are you focused on that is causing you to sink?
- Notice without judgment and with a curious awareness what comes to your mind. Invite God into your sanctified imagination. Tell God the truth about where in your life you need Him to be your Saving Savior?
- Next scan your mind and notice times in your life where you have walked closely with God, without fear. With purpose. Following one step behind Him. Allow these thoughts and emotions to be illuminated in your sanctified imagination.
- Now Ask the Holy Spirit to give you an image of how your current situation will change when you admit to Jesus that you need saving.
- Finally, Focus on what God shows you and offer Him thanks for gracing you with the opportunity to go from sinking in circumstances and from the strong winds of doubt and fear telling you that you are too far away from God’s shore to the admission that you need to be saved and the reality of walking from the deep and low into the arms of the Saving Savior.
PRAYER: Thank you Abba that no matter how deep the water or the rage of the storm, I can walk on water in the power of Jesus Christ. His hand holds me tight, it reaches into the depth of the grave I am in, pulls me up, and saves me. Saving Savior, save ME! In the name of Jesus I pray, amen.
PRAISE: Now that you have emptied your mind of the clutter and wandered with Jesus, take a closing moment to receive Jesus’ saving grace. Then take the mindfulness of God’s presence cultivated in these last few minutes of wandering into the next ones and beyond.
Until next time, be Resonant.
The post Saving Savior appeared first on Resonant 7.
BONUS Meditation: I invite you to take 5 minutes and listen to the Saving Savior guided meditation.
Thank you,
For the reminder of “Jesus saving grace”