Ready for a Change?
Maybe what you have been doing is working for you, but you sense there is a deeper stream. Maybe you just need a little refreshment. Maybe your journey has left you weary of the cycle of thirsty and quenched. Whatever the case may be, we want to be a part of the cycle that leaves you satisfied, enjoying daily contentment in your everyday walk with God.
The Stream is flowing in your direction but you need regular reminders to jump into it. If you just look at it, sure it’s beautiful and peaceful and there is delight in that experience. If you only listen to it, yes it’s bubbling and gurgling tickles the ear with the promise of renewal. But unless you routinely dip your feet in, or immerse yourself entirely, the transforming effects of the water are limited.
A few years ago I was on a camping trip with my boys when we came across a wide, but peaceful river. Before one of the bridge crossings I stopped and got out of the van and invited them to join me. We walked down to the waters edge and gazed at the tranquil beauty. We listened as the water trickled off the stones creating a symphony of wonder. But it was simply not enough.
You should have seen the look on their faces as I began to take my socks and shoes off. They looked at me as is to say, “Really , we get to put our feet in?” I nodded my permission and there was foot apparel flying every direction. They did not have to be told twice.
How often do we let the rush of living crowd out the moments of refreshment our souls crave? Resonant 7 wants to create little rendezvous like the one described above, routinely coming to you in your inbox. We can not make you open, read, listen or watch. That is up to you. But we want you to be refreshed, enjoying a perpetual state of spiritual transformation, and we believe that you want that too.
You can leave your shoes on and stay on the shore. It’s easier. It’s safer. It’s simpler. It’s comfortable. It’s familiar. But is it all you really want? We don’t think so. We walked down to the rivers edgeThat Ends in Success And Helps Them Avoid Failure
Won’t you join us in the waters of continual spiritual renewal?
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