Blessed assurance Jesus is mine
O what a foretaste of glory divine
Heir of salvation purchase of God
Born of His Spirit washed in His blood
Blessed Assurance 1873
By: Fanny Crosby (1820-1915)
Listen to this worshipful version of this hymn as you prepare to ponder the lyrics. Please make certain to enjoy the video below.
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Please enjoy this video and the transcript below.
Transcript may be found below, at the end of the blog.
As we begin our journey through this well-beloved hymn rest in the assurance being in Christ provides to you. This is our story and song, praising Jesus all the day long. Let’s tune our hearts.
Blessed Assurance
What assurance can you give me?
That might be one of the most common usages of this word. An assurance is a positive declaration intended to give confidence, or more simply a promise. What was the last promise you made? Did you follow through on your assurance?
Good news for us…God already has. I suppose you could ask him this way. “God, what assurance can you give me that I can be forgiven of all my sins and will dwell with you eternally?” His response is simple. One word, Jesus.
Blessed assurance Jesus is mine
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 ESV
One of the best-loved hymns gives expression to one of the most well-known Scriptures. I have this assurance that because God gave Jesus I have eternal life. Many other things may happen in life, both tragedies and triumphs, but I have this assurance…Jesus is mine!
What a blessing to have the assurance of a Savior! It is a blessing every day, but especially on days when things are hard, taking a toll on your soul. How sweet it is to know even on those days there is one who will never leave us or forsake us. Thank Jesus for that assurance.
Take a few moments and thank God for the assurance you have in Christ. Many people never find peace with God because they fail to grasp the power of this assurance. Maybe you have struggled to have confidence in your salvation. Make this your simple prayer today “Jesus, thank You for blessed assurance.” Then trust Jesus to find that blessed assurance.
Glory Divine
It is difficult for us to imagine what it will be like to finally be in the very presence of God. The Scripture tells us some things about that existence, but still it is challenging to comprehend the reality of it. For me the grandeur of a multi-colored sunset stimulates by senses and creates a great context for me to consider what that glory divine will at least look like, though I am certain it will be far better.
Though there are tastes of divine glory in creation and our relationships with one another, the best foretaste of the glory that awaits us in full is the presence of Christ in us here and now. The Scripture bears out very clearly that He has come to make His dwelling not only among us but in us.
How are you welcoming that divine glory to be experienced in your life? How are you cultivating your awareness of Christ in you? The is no more worthwhile pursuit known to man.
O what a foretaste of glory divine
To them God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. Colossians 1:27 ESV
What is that foretaste of divine glory? Christ in us, the hope of glory. What an incredible mystery that is, the riches of the glory of Christ, deposited in us! Does that foretaste leave you craving for more or do you find yourself satisfied? Like any appetizer it is only the first taste.
Jesus in us is that foretaste of glory. This world is not our home. We are longing for another time and another place, to dwell in the presence of God forever. Jesus gives us a taste of that by coming and dwelling in us now. How will you cultivate your awareness of that today?
Take a few moments and consider how you can welcome the presence of Christ. Pray a simple prayer like this one, “Jesus, cultivate my awareness of Your presence.” Then trust the Spirit to help you practice that every day.
Spirit teach me how to walk each day with a greater awareness of the glory divine that dwells in me in the person of Jesus Christ. Forgive me for taking that for granted. Help me cherish and future it everyday. In Jesus’ name. Amen!
Assured Tuning!
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Video 31.1 Transcript
Welcome to Tuesday Tunings at Resonant 7, where we reflect on the reality of God and resolve to let it resound in our lives, repeatedly. Let’s tune our hearts.
Blessed assurance Jesus is mine
O what a foretaste of glory divine
Heir of salvation purchase of God
Born of His Spirit washed in His blood
What a blessing to have the assurance of a Savior! It is a blessing every day, but especially on days when things are hard, taking a toll on your soul. How sweet it is to know even on those days there is one who will never leave us or forsake us. Thank Jesus for that assurance.
Jesus, thank You for blessed assurance.
Jesus in us is that foretaste of glory. This world is not our home. We are longing for another time and another place, to dwell in the presence of God forever. Jesus gives us a taste of that by coming and dwelling in us now. How will you cultivate your awareness of that today.
Jesus, cultivate my awareness of Your presence.
God has purchased us with the sacrificial life of His Son and in so doing made us heirs of salvation. Think about what that cost the Father to offer His only Son to bring many others to glory. Give praise to the Father for making you an heir to salvation though it cost Him so much.
Father, I praise You for making me an heir to salvation.
We are born again into eternal life when we are washed clean by the blood of Jesus our Savior. The Spirit applies the work of Christ to us and gives us life though we were dead from our sins. Have you asked Jesus to cleanse you and the Spirit to give you new life?
Spirit, give me new life through Christ.
Take a few moments to talk to Jesus about what has surfaced in your heart, or just listen to what He is saying to you, then we will sing once more.
Take the awareness of God’s presence cultivated in these last few minutes into the next ones and beyond. Until next time, Be Resonant.
The post Are You Assured of Divine Glory? appeared first on Resonant 7.
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