Vainly they watch His bed Jesus my Saviour
Vainly they seal the dead Jesus my Lord
Death cannot keep his prey Jesus my Saviour
He tore the bars away Jesus my Lord
Christ Arose 1874
By: Robert Lowry (1826-1899)
Listen to this modern version of this resurrection hymn as you prepare to ponder the lyrics. Please make certain to enjoy the video below.
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Everyone, enjoy this video, and the transcript below.
Transcript may be found below, at the end of the blog.
As we conclude our Easter celebration this week think about His resurrection and make each stanza your response of worship by praying through it. Let’s tune our hearts.
Keeping Watch
Soldiers were watching over the place the disciples had laid Jesus the night of His death. Interestingly, there were some folks keeping watch the night of His birth as well. That is about the only thing those two night had in common.
At His birth, shepherds were keeping watch over their flocks by night. At His death, soldiers were keeping watch over His tomb. At His birth, He was wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger. At His death, He was wrapped in grave clothes and laid in a stone-cold tomb. At His birth, no one knew He had arrived. At His death, everyone thought He was gone. At His birth, He was the son of an unknown carpenter. At His death, He was the King of the Jews.
Vainly they watch His bed Jesus my Saviour
So they went and made the tomb secure by sealing the stone and setting a guard. Matthew 27:66 ESV
The Jews were concerned Jesus disciples would come and take His body then assert He had risen as He promised, so they pleaded with Pilate who let them seal the tomb and post a guard. They did not realize their seal and watch would be useless. Those things could not stop the Resurrected Christ.
They did not expect Jesus to walk out of the tomb on His own. That same resurrection power is at work in the lives of all who believe. Do you believe?
What difference is the resurrection making for you today? Are there and “stones” others may have placed in your way that you are letting stop you today? Ask the Spirit to help you identify them and roll them away. As they are removed give praise to the Risen One and walk out of your tomb!
Making Tracks
Have you ever thought about the soldiers as the stone was rolling away? We know what the angelic message was for the disciples who arrived after the stone was rolled away, but not what may have been said to the soldiers, if anything. The Scriptures tell us they were so afraid they shook and became like dead men. This image captures a moment of confusion and terror which seems pretty accurate to me.
Were some of them the same ones from the crucifixion? Did any of them come to the same conclusion as the centurion, “Surely this was the son of God”? After seeing what they saw, how were they able to repeat the story they were paid and told to tell?
Their sealing of the tomb and watch of the same were both in vain, but at least they were alive. As Roman soldiers deserting your post was punishable by death. Even though reassured by the Jewish leaders, it seems reasonable they would have been uncertain they would remain alive.
How will you respond to the broken seal?
Vainly they seal the dead Jesus my Lord
And they found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they went in they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. Luke 24:2-3 ESV
The soldiers saw the truth yet maintained a lie. His disciples found an empty tomb and still struggled to believe. Who are you more like?
I wonder how often we are guilty of the soldiers denial or the disciples unbelief, or at least slow belief. Jesus has shown us time and time again His victory over the grave. Do you sometimes struggle to believe? Praise the Lord for His patience.
They placed a seal over the tomb so they could verify if it had been opened, presumably so they could offer that as evidence His body was still there. Jesus removed all doubt by not only breaking the seal but rolling the stone away. Are there any seals you have allowed others to place over your faith? Ask Jesus to break any seal others may have set on you.
Unbelief is easy. Especially when you allow others to seal the truth of your faith by evoking some fear. Will you climb down into the tomb, invite others to so the same, and expose the reality of what Jesus did? Do not be like the soldiers who denied the truth. Be like the disciples who declared it.
Jesus, help me to have the courage to stand for truth. Break the seals others may have placed on me to silence Your story. Help me walk in resurrection power today and every day. In Jesus’ name. Amen!
Useful Tuning!
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Video 27.3 Transcript
Welcome to Tuesday Tunings at Resonant 7, where we reflect on the reality of God and resolve to let it resound in our lives, repeatedly. Let’s tune our hearts.
Vainly they watch His bed Jesus my Saviour
Vainly they seal the dead Jesus my Lord
Death cannot keep his prey Jesus my Saviour
He tore the bars away Jesus my Lord
They posted guards so Jesus’ disciples would not be able to come and take His body. They did not expect Jesus to walk out of the tomb on His own. That same resurrection power is at work in the lives of all who believe. Is there anything you are letting stop you today?
Spirit, roll my stones away today.
They placed a seal over the tomb so they could verify if it had been opened, presumably so they could offer that as evidence His body was still there. Jesus removed all doubt by not only breaking the seal but rolling the stone away. Ask Jesus to break any seal others may have set on you.
Jesus, break the seals others have placed on me.
Death is a relentless predator. He thought he had won when Jesus died, and that he could hold his prey. Wrong! When Jesus exited the grave He demonstrated power over death, the same power that is at work in all who believe and one day will raise us up. Thank Him for that power.
Jesus, thank You for resurrection power.
Satan thought he had imprisoned Jesus, taking Him captive in His death, but Jesus tore away the bars of that presumed prison. We will do the same, and can even live in victory over lesser prisons daily. Ask the Spirit to help you live free in resurrection power today.
Spirit, help me live free in resurrection power.
Take a few moments to talk to Jesus about what has surfaced in your heart, or just listen to what He is saying to you, then we will sing once more.
Take the awareness of God’s presence cultivated in these last few minutes into the next ones and beyond. Until next time, Be Resonant.
The post An Empty Bed and A Broken Seal appeared first on Resonant 7.
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