Welcome to Wednesday Wanderings with Dr. Sherri–a time we set aside to wander in the Presence of Jesus and ponder His truths. When you are ready, prepare your mind, body, and soul to have a transformational encounter with Jesus.
PREPARATION: In our last Wandering with Dr. Sherri, we examined Caught up in the rapture of love. This week we will examine How the Story ends. When you are ready, you may begin the dialogue with Jesus and state: “Jesus, I invite you to help me to leisurely wander into your Presence. Prepare my heart to receive, and illuminate my spiritual senses to encounter you.”
PROMISE: Romans 8:28 Amplified Bible
28 And we know [with great confidence] that God [who is deeply concerned about us] causes all things to work together [as a plan] for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to His plan and purpose.
Because God is the author and finisher of our narrative, we have the blessed assurance of how the story ends.
PSALM: Blessed Assurance 1873
Fanny Crosby (1820-1915)
This is my Story, this is my song
Praising my Savior all the day long
This is my story, this is my song
Praising my Savior all the day long
Fanny Crosby’s story sang of trust in God. Even though she could not see the sparrow, she was certain that God watched over it. Even though she could not see the wandering sheep, she was certain that God would guide it back to safety. Even though she could not see with her physical eyes, her spiritual eyes could see beyond her circumstance and knew with certainty that God never stops working for our story to have a GOOD ending.
In the answer to our story, all of the above is true.
A. God, our Healer heals every concern of the mind, body, and soul for the Miracle Worker is working for our GOOD
B. Jesus, our Wonderful Counselor gives us knowledge, wisdom, and understanding for every circumstance for the Way Maker is working for our GOOD
C. Holy Spirit, our Comforter, and Guide will be our Light in the Darkness for He is leading us to the truth that ALL things are working for our GOOD
D. All of the Above
Time after time, story after story, God’s promises ARE TRUE and He will always be faithful to make things work for your GOOD. The ending is the same every time. The story ends for your good, well, planned, and in a way that points to His love for you. This is the story of the believer. Even when darkness tries to overshadow the light, it must fail. This is how the story ends. Even when grief chases you from sun up to sundown, it will grow weary from being chased by God’s peace. This is how the story ends. Even when loneliness whispers in the midnight hour, it will be silenced by the Presence of God. This is how the story ends. Even in the transitional time between hope and despair, healing will transpire. This is how the story ends.
Jesus is the narrator of our story. His death, burial, and resurrection confirmed that all things are working for our good. This is our story.
So… when you find yourself waiting, like Crosby, invite your spiritual eyes to see the ending that shows His faithful, powerful, and gracious, glory. Bring your thoughts back to this reality and let your life tell the story. Even during frustrations, pain, and draining times, lean into the dominion of God and tell the story of patience, perseverance, peace, and the promise that it IS working for your good. Cry if you must then tell the story. Stomp if you must, then tell the story. Lament if you must, then tell the story. Skip to the end of the chapter, read the ending first. Offer a song of praise that the only option for your story ending is GOOD.
What is your story? What is your song?
Soul care training exercise: Take a moment and turn your attention to seeking the loving Presence of God. Ponder the question What is my story? Since you already know the ending, how will you tell the story?
- Reflect and let the Holy Spirit reveal to you what God wants to say to you about your story.
- Notice without judgment and with a curious awareness of what comes to your mind. Invite God into your sanctified imagination. Ask Him to bring to your attention what He wants you to know about your story.
- Next scan your mind and notice what the Holy Spirit is sharing that you need to know, hear, or do to share your story. Expand your thoughts, it may be something you never heard told this way before.
- Finally, Focus on your breath. As you breathe in remember that the Holy Spirt, the Breath of Life, is breathing within you the fresh, pure, perfect love of God.
PRAYER: Jesus, you are the narrator of my story that ends with ALL things working for my good. Help me to trust the ending even when I can’t see it. Help me to share the GOOD ending with others.
PRAISE: Now that you have emptied your mind of the clutter and wandered with Jesus, take a closing moment to praise God for a good ending. Then take the mindfulness of God’s ending with you in these last few minutes of wandering into the next ones and beyond.
Until next time, be Resonant.
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BONUS REFLECTION: Take five minutes to listen to the What is My Story guided meditation.
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