Covet not this world’s vain riches
That so rapidly decay,
Seek to gain the heav’nly treasures,
They will never pass away.
Hold to God’s unchanging hand,
Hold to God’s unchanging hand;
Build your hopes on things eternal,
Hold to God’s unchanging hand.
Hold to God’s Unchanging Hand (1906)
By: Jennie B. Wilson (1856 – 1913)
Listen to this instrumental version as you prepare to ponder this hymn. Please make certain to enjoy the video below.
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Transcript may be found below, at the end of the blog.
We continue our journey through this hymn which challenges us to build on the certainty of God in uncertain days. Where are you building your hope? In the security or pleasure of earth’s riches, or in the confidence of heaven’s treasures? Let’s tune our hearts.
When you see someone enjoying the things this earth affords, it can create an illusion in our hearts and minds. That illusion tells us that we would be happier if we had those same things to enjoy. So we strive to acquire them on the false assumption that when we achieve them, happiness will be ours.
That desire to possess something belonging to someone else is called covetousness. It is not a word that is commonly known, but it is absolutely a common struggle for everyone who breathes. Yes, I believe we all grapple with this, simply that we are often unaware how much it affects our decisions and actions.
Covet not this world’s vain riches,
And he said to them, “Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.” Luke 12:15 ESV
Jesus is teaching here to be on guard against covetousness, and He offers a very clear reason why. Our lives do not consist in the abundance of possessions. Now before you dismiss this teaching believing you are above it since you are well aware that things do not make up our life, be careful. Covetousness can very easily consume your soul, and become the foundation of your hope.
Let’s get Jesus involved with our journey beyond covetousness. Start by asking the Holy Spirit to reveal any desire you may have for things that others possess. Maybe there are trinkets, but maybe not. Maybe there is a desire for something that you believe would simply improve the quality of your life. Something that would allow you to enjoy life just a little bit more. There is nothing inherently wrong with enjoying the things of this life, but when a desire to acquire them consumes much of our thinking, we are in danger of coveting. Once revealed, talk to Jesus about how to root out that desire for those things, but keep in mind the best way to do that is to seek other things, heavenly things, which we will look into more in Thursday Thoughts.
Apart from the simple fact that it keeps you from pursuing things with much greater intrinsic value, there are many other reasons to avoid covetousness.
- The process of acquiring things can leave you distracted and exhausted.
- Acquiring things rarely fulfills the longing for which they are sought.
- Even once they are acquired, it can often be difficult to hold onto them.
That so rapidly decay,
I remember wanting an iPod. I know I am dating myself a bit with that comment. The idea of having thousands of songs at my fingertips seemed like something I just HAD TO HAVE. Besides, I could use it for ministry. Notice we can always find a reason to justify our covetousness.
It consumed a lot of my idle thoughts. How I could use it. What I would do with it. How much easier it would make my life. Sound familiar?
When I finally got it, I was so excited. I charged it. Downloaded a bunch of CD’s onto it. Plugged my headphones in and just basked in the unmistakable glow of my purchase.
I really enjoyed using it and found it very useful as I had imagined, though there was some upkeep and it did take time to put the songs I wanted on it. Still it was great. Until a cooler smaller version came out. The allure of my first device quickly faded.
Ever happen to you? I bet it has. Yet we still covet things all the time, though we have already learned the lesson to not do so.
Do not toil to acquire wealth; be discerning enough to desist. When your eyes light on it, it is gone, for suddenly it sprouts wings, flying like an eagle toward heaven. Proverbs 23:4-5 ESV
The underlying issue is that we believe they will satisfy that craving inside us, but they are generally useless in that regard. I would offer it is better to replace that longing for worldly riches with a search for things of heavenly, eternal value. More on that Thursday, but for now just a bit more resonating.
The riches of this world are useless in meeting our deepest needs, and even when we do acquire them, we realize they do not last. Are you toiling to acquire worldly riches, conveniences, or pleasures? Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the fleeting nature of the things you may be pursuing so that you can redirect those energies. As He does, confess them and ask Him to guard your heart from them in the future.
Jesus, thank You for teaching us the vanity or uselessness of pursuing worldly riches. They quickly decay leaving even whatever fulfillment that may have afforded a fleeting pleasure or comfort. Guard my heart from covetousness. In Jesus’ name. Amen!
Satified Tuning!
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Video 19.3 Transcript
Welcome to Tuesday Tunings at Resonant 7, where we reflect on the reality of God and resolve to let it resound in our lives, repeatedly. Let’s tune our hearts.
Covet not this world’s vain riches
That so rapidly decay,
Seek to gain the heav’nly treasures,
They will never pass away.
Covetousness is having a great desire to possess something that belongs to someone else. It can be blatant, but is often more subtle. Are you aware of any longing for things others possess? Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal and root out any covetousness in your soul.
Spirit, reveal and root out any covetousness in my soul.
The world’s riches are vain or useless. You may be tempted to argue with that, but keep in mind we are focused in this hymn on eternal hope. Because of the rapidly decaying nature of this world’s riches, they are useless in light of eternity. Ask God to help you see that clearly.
God, help me to see the vanity of worldly riches.
The treasures of heaven far surpass the riches of earth, but we must still seek them. Jesus taught that it does not profit us to gain the world but lose our soul. Ask Him to give you the perspective you need to seek the treasures that last eternally.
Jesus, help me seek the eternal treasures of heaven.
The enduring nature of those treasures alone makes them more valuable than the riches of earth, but the disparity between them is best revealed in the effect they have on us. The hope of heaven’s treasures never fails. Thank God for hope that never passes away.
God, thank You for hope that lasts forever.
Take a few moments to talk to Jesus about what has surfaced in your heart, or just listen to what He is saying to you, then we will sing once more.
Hold to God’s unchanging hand,
Hold to God’s unchanging hand;
Build your hopes on things eternal,
Hold to God’s unchanging hand.
Take the awareness of God’s presence cultivated in these last few minutes into the next ones and beyond. Until next time, Be Resonant.
The post Are You Longing for Fleeting Things? appeared first on Resonant 7.
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